




and, but, or, so, therefore, then など



because, when, if, as, before, afterなど 下記例を参照。


単語 意味 例文
Although であるが、けれども Although he is young, he is very dependable
even though ~ ~であるのに  Even though I told her it, she did it anyway.
whether ~ ~かどうか Please advice us whether we should to ...
whenever いつでも、する度に Please come again whenever.
whereas ~に対して I am poor, whereas my brothers are very rich
On the other hand それに対して he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.
No matter what たとえ~でも No matter what, it's always the same.
No matter what it takes 何があろうとも  


if ... notでも可

You'll miss the bus unless you walk more quickly
as soon as


Tell me as soon as you have finished
as far as


Let's swim as far as we can.
as long as


as long as I live


Once stores decided price of an item, ...
In case


In case we cancel the tour, can we get refund?